For you game lovers,must know about the counter - strike! ya.., this game is very popular in the world. Counter - Strike was first introduced by the valve in 1994 and became the first person shooter game with the theme of war between the counter - terrorist against the terrorists. Since then the counter is rapidly becoming very popular all over the world and played by millions of people around the world, an extraordinary achievement.
And for now the latest version of counter strike online has come back to that produced by Valve and Nexon south korea, have all the strong characteristics of the counter - strike, even better. with additional elements such as characters and weapons here's the latest giving more to this game. and is also accompanied by dozens of new maps that have been adjusted and new modes of unique and challenging, making counter-strike online more exciting to play. moreover, counter-strike online can be played by everyone.
What are you waiting for! immediately play and be counter - strike true.
Happy Playing!
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